EARLY BIRD PROMO UNTIL 30 JUNE 2024 or while stocks last. Use promo code EARLYBIRD for a discount off your tickets!

For over 2 decades, Sing! Men’s Chorus (formerly known as Singapore Men’s Chorus) has provided a safe and welcoming space for men of all backgrounds to express themselves through song. The choir’s commitment to inclusivity and fellowship has fostered a strong sense of community, enriching the lives of its members such as working with The People’s Association, The Greenhouse, and Pink Dot. SMC has also represented the Singapore voice at the biennial Hand in Hand Festival, an Asian-based choral festival organised by Proud Voices Asia. The choir remains committed to uplifting communities in need, through its special brand of entertainment.

It all began with a fortuitous encounter at a wine-tasting party between Todd Katschke and Jason Ong, both seasoned participants in choral music. Recognizing the absence of a men’s chorus in Singapore, Katschke and Ong resolved to fill the void.

This 20th Anniversary concert is not just a celebration of SMC’s music through the years, but of the perseverance and determination of a choir that has fought to exist, to provide a sense of hope and home for its members, and to appreciate the friends, family and fans who have supported us through the years.

This 1.5-hour concert features the choir’s story told through two acts, underpinned by more than 15 milestone pieces and two world-premier arrangements.

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It all began with a fortuitous encounter at a wine-tasting party between Todd Katschke and Jason Ong, both seasoned participants in choral music. Recognizing the absence of a men’s chorus in Singapore, Katschke and Ong resolved to fill the void.

This 20th Anniversary concert is not just a celebration of SMC’s music through the years, but of the perseverance and determination of a choir that has fought to exist, to provide a sense of hope and home for its members, and to appreciate the friends, family and fans who have supported us through the years.

This 1.5-hour concert features the choir’s story told through two acts, underpinned by more than 15 milestone pieces and two world-premier arrangements.


SATURDAY, 14 SEP 2024, 8PM
SUNDAY, 15 SEP 2024, 3PM


Lee Foundation Theatre (NAFA)
151 Bencoolen St, Singapore 189656 Singapore

SMC Memories

Events & Concerts

Bringin” Back Broadway (24/25 Sep 2022)

We’re back and ready to entertain! Sing! Men’s Chorus brings you on a journey through Broadway & West End hit musicals.

We Are Family (2 Nov 2019)

Sing! Men’s Chorus was formerly called Singapore Men’s Chorus before we officially registered as a society last year. Different name, same great show! Our concert theme this year is ‘Family’ in all its shapes and forms.

Homecoming (4 Nov 2018)

Sing! Men’s Chorus’ concert this year features the choir’s first show with an all-Asian theme. Performing a repertoire of songs that showcases the diverse cultures of Asia, SMC comes home to its roots at the heart of a continent with a rich heritage.

Dusk.Desire.Dream (22 Oct 2017)

What better way to spend your evening than in bed with Singapore Men’s Chorus? Share our deepest fantasies and darkest dreams in our most intimate showcase of song and dance ever.

Anthem (15 & 16 Oct 2016)

Singapore Men’s Chorus presents our annual Kaleidoscope concert — Anthem. Songs that inspire, engage or simply make us want to dance. Come on a 500 year musical journey through folk tunes, familiar classics, iconic pop hits and beyond. Feel the soul of different cultures and traditions. Sing and dance along as we share our favourite songs with you!

Kaleidoscope (10 & 11 Oct 2015)

Singapore Men’s Chorus presents Kaleidoscope. Songs about men, for men, by men. 800 years of music across five continents bound by a decade of passion. And still counting. Still listening with our hearts, dancing with our voices, singing with our collective soul.

CELEBRAT10N! (25 & 26 Oct 2014)

Singapore Men’s Chorus (SMC) celebrates10 years. 10 years of song and dance, laughter and tears. 10 years of amazing performances and a few wrong notes here and there. 10 years of friends, family and fans. We have musically travelled the world, celebrated Hollywood, Broadway and the Great American Songbook. We have welcomed the sixties, sung in the rain, gotten in the mood and put on the Ritz. We have created a family, a community, a brotherhood of men who like to sing.

Sing Out Loud 2013

The chorus presents songs from The Great American Songbook.

Sing Out Loud 2012

On The Dancefloor (20 & 21 Oct)

In SMC’s 11th season, we explore different expressions of “Dance” – iconic styles, club anthems and even other ways that men move their bodies. Come to the dancefloor, and watch us play out the courtship between movement and music…

Sing Out Loud 2011

Down Memory Lane (22 & 23 Oct)

The 10th Concert by the Singapore Men’s Chorus.

Sing Out Loud 2011

Journey by SMC Ambassadors (25 Jun)

Listen to the boisterous bellows of our brothers and boyfriends as they belt out ballades and ditties from their quirky repertoire of choral songs from native lands and foreign shores, showcasing their dexterity in handling multiple tongues and part-harmonisation. Don’t miss this opportunity to get intimate with the sensuous vocals of the eight suave ambassadors from the Singapore Men’s Chorus. There will be a post-concert discussion with the directors and choristers.

Sing Out Loud 2010

in Latin America (23 & 24 Oct)

2 nights of tango through love and passion, hope and revolution; from ancient times to new. Fall again for the familiar, and give in to the sensual…

Sing Out Loud 2009

on Broadway (Oct 2009)

First mini-musical with twice the audience over two days at NAFA’s Lee Foundation Theatre.

Sing Out Loud 2008

@ The Movies (Oct 2008)

First foray into making short films, and interweaving them with song, dance and other movie-inspired elements. First time giving audience an opportunity to mingle over drinks during intermission. First time experiencing NAFA’s Lee Foundation Theatre (similarly for many people in the audience).

Sing With Us 2007

Under the Mistletoe (Dec 2007)

First small-scale, intimate caroling session with audience sing-along.

Sing Out Loud! 2007 (Nov 2007)

First exploration of the Esplanade Recital Studio, and experimenting with a theme of let-your-hair-down exuberance (with some serious choreography!)

From boys to MEN in a hundred years

(Oct 2007)

First collaboration with a boys’ choir, exploring the expanded musical capabilities from boys to men. And for the men, we relived our younger days by performing in a school.

With Every Christmas Card I Write…

(Dec 2006)

First Christmas-themed concert and first exploration of the Victoria Concert Hall

Love’s Journey (Jun 2006)

Different expressions of love in its various stages & forms, from different lands & cultures; first exploration of the new Drama Centre

Mad About Musicals! (Dec 2005)

First full concert, exploring different styles in a wide range of musicals

About SMC

The Sing! Men’s Chorus (formerly known as the Singapore Men’s Chorus), or SMC, was formed in 2005 to provide an avenue for those interested in male chorale and present another form of choral music for the public to enjoy.

It all started with a chance meeting at a wine-tasting party between two men, Todd Katschke and Jason Ong, both active in choral music for many years. Since there was no men’s chorus in Singapore, Todd and Jason decided to plug the gap.

After a first round of auditions in March 2005, SMC was born with 11 members. Practices were nomadic at first, held in various members’ apartments each week.

Today, SMC has grown to over 30 members and has proper venues for practices.

We hail from all walks of life, and from very different musical backgrounds. For some of us, SMC is the first training ground, with guidance given by not just the choral director but fellow members as well.

SMC’s Mission

SMC’s mission is to connect people through the making and enjoyment of male choral music.

The objectives of SMC are:

  • To build a cohesive and sustainable environment for all men, who have a keen interest to sing and engage in making music in Singapore.
  • To perform publicly for the purpose of entertainment, education and fund raising.
  • To promote choral singing to the general public through concerts, street singing and other events.

Join SMC

We are constantly looking for new members!

All that’s needed:

  • Male, and at least 21 years old
  • can carry a tune
  • can commit to group practices on Wednesday evenings (plus sectional practice on another day)
  • prepare a song of any genre or language. You may sing a cappella, otherwise please arrange for your own accompaniment.

Please send an email with your name, email address and contact number to enquiries@singmc.org today!

We look forward to hearing from you!